A New Medal for DSSLR Student
A New Medal for DSSLR Student
Prof Suria Darma Tarigan of Division of Soil and Water Conservation, DSSLR, served as a mentor for a team consisting of Salsabilla Florensi (DSSLR), Alya Mustira (Department of Plant Protection), and Nattaya Pradnya Paramitha Maheswari (Department of Forest Conservation and Ecotourism) in the Karya Inovasi Sains Nasional (KISN) 2024. Their club, known as Smart Sister Researcher (SSR) and successfully received National’s First Winner, for their paper “AGRILAND : Aplikasi Antisipasi Kelangkaan Air Pada Irigasi Tanaman Pangan Menggunakan Sensor Kadar Air Tanah Remote Sensing dan Geographic Information System (GIS)”. This paper attempts to support dryland agriculture and to contribute to SDGs of zero hunger and food security.