Testing Labs

Testing Laboratory for Soils

SUA Analisis Tanah

Our testing labs are managed according to global management system ISO 17025:2017. Lab facilities are nationally accredited (KAN no. LP – 1067 – IDN), available here and here. In addition to ensuring quality, we carefully examine validation procedure. Lab staffs regularly conduct lab visits to similar services and proficiency tests. All of these would lead to a quality test with an excellent outcome.

Workflow for Lodging Permit for Distributing Fertilizers is here (in Bahasa). Details are available through consultation. Please contact the manager below, or arrange a on-site consultation.

Samples are handled according to the SOP, available here (in Bahasa).

Service fees are available here (in Bahasa)

Mail Address:

Laboratorium Pengujian
Departemen Ilmu Tanah dan Sumberdaya Lahan, Fakultas Pertanian, IPB
Jl. Meranti, Wing 15 Level 5 Kampus IPB Dramaga. Bogor 16680. Jawa Barat, Indonesia

Phone/Fax. : (0251) 8627792

Email: labtanahipb@gmail.com

Whatsapp: 085714458811