1.1 Title of the Degree Program
Master of Science in Soil Science (MSSS, translated from the original title: Magister Sains Ilmu Tanah)
1.2 Educational Program
Master of Science in Soil Sciences is one of two master’s programs operated by the Department. This master program has been accredited with an A level by the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education (BAN PT), No. 4956/SK/BAN-PT/Ak-PPJ/M/VII/2022, awarded in 2022, operational until 2027.
1.3 Vision
To be a center of excellence in education, research, and community service in soil science and technology to improve soil quality and environment at the ASEAN level.
1.4 Mission
1. Organizing Soil Science education to produce graduates who have high integrity (responsible, honest, transparent, and caring for the environment) in carrying out education, research, and community service.
2. Conduct research to develop science and technology and advance methods in solving problems related to soil science.
3. Organizing community service related to the dissemination and utilization of soil science and technology.
1.5 Objectives and Learning Outcomes
2.5.1 Objectives
The purposes of the Masters of Soil Science Program are to:
a. Nurture master’s graduates with competencies according to learning outcomes at level 8 of Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia, KKNI)
b. Develop advanced soil science and technologies through research
c. Disseminate research outcomes on soil science and related technology for a broader community.
2.5.2 Expected Learning Outcomes
a. Able to investigate theories of soil eco-chemical, physical, and biological processes, and characteristics through quantitative and spatial approach for the inventory and assessment of potentials and problems in soils and lands.
b. Able to examine theories of land management and planning leading to productivity and sustainability of land resources.
c. According to their specific interests, able to evaluate land development technology and soil quality; and/or land evaluation and agricultural geoinformatics; and/or land resource conservation; and/or soil ecology and bioproduction; and/or chemistry and soil fertility to optimize the sustainability of land use.
Specific Skills
a. Able to examine soil characteristics and soil/land inventory, textually and spatially, in relation to the latest technological development.
b. Able to modify procedures of soil and land potential evaluation and to assess the problems, when necessary, using multi-disciplinary approach.
c. Able to scientifically adapt the techniques related to soil and land management, and land planning using multi-disciplinary approach.
d. Able to implement the techniques of soil and land inventory covering field-, laboratory-, and studio-based activities.
1.6 Competencies
After completing this program, graduates can study and adapt procedures and techniques for the inventory of potentials and problems of soils/lands. According to their specific interests, graduates are capable to study, to adapt and to apply land development technology and soil quality; and/or land evaluation and agricultural geoinformatics; and/or conservation of land resources; and/or soil ecology and bioproduction; and/or chemistry and soil fertility to optimize soil management and sustainable land development through inter-, multi-, or trans-disciplinary approaches.
1.7 Curriculum Structure
The study load for MSSS students is at least 41 credits, which could be accomplished in four semesters up to eight semesters. Students can select the pathway during the study, either by research or coursework. All require a master thesis before an award, with the following specializations:
Specialization 1: Land Development and Soil Quality
This specialization studies in-depth the science and technology of land development for land use in food crop agriculture, horticulture, plantations, and industrial forest plantations, both on dry land and wetlands, by always paying attention to and improving the quality of the soils, so that the land becomes more productive and sustainable.
Specialization 2: Land Evaluation and Agricultural Geoinformatics
This specialization covers in-depth the theory and mechanism of land evaluation, both manually and through a computational approach; examining land data spatially, with the support of earth observation technology at various data scales as well as various ground-based sensors that are analyzed in a geographic information system.
Specialization 3: Conservation of Land Resources
This specialization explores in-depth science, technology, and soil management for the sustainable use of land resources and their application in solving land use management and stewardship problems for the conservation of land resources and the environment through a multi-disciplinary approach.
Specialization 4: Soil Ecology and Bioproduction
This specialization assesses in-depth the interactions between soil organisms and their environment, the influence of soil organisms on the processes of the soil, such as nutrient cycling, the formation, and stabilization of pore structures; studying the application of soil biotechnology which explains the principles of science and engineering handling and processing of materials with the help of biological agents to produce environmental goods and services in a sustainable manner.
Specialization 5: Soil Chemistry and Fertility
This specialization focuses on in-depth chemical processes in soil, fertilizer, and amelioration technology, both mineral and biological, with all the reactions and processes in soil and plants for soil and land use in supporting human life with a focus on the ability to produce environmental goods and services efficiently and sustainably.