Department of Soil Science and Land Resource (DSSLR), represented by Dr. Wahyu Iskandar, was invited to join the signing ceremony with Hanyang University, South Korea, 6 December 2023. In this courtesy visit, Hanyang University was represented by Professor Joonho Ko, a prominent urban transportation researcher in Korea who has helped many transportation problems in Korean growing cities, including Seoul. The ceremony was then followed by a discussion where all parties have shown their interests, including research collaboration in designing intelligent campus and academic mobilities among two universities. Professor Ko also kindly visited DSSLR’ Cikabayan field stations which is selected as a site for modern battery charging stations, powered up by the first Agri-PhotoVoltaic (APV) systems at IPB. This APV system is planned to build within the first quarter of 2024, by a DSSLR collaborator, Korean’s Envelops. Two Envelops representatives, Mr. Seungyeun Han and Mr. Yongseung Gwon, also joined the meeting.

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