Jl. Meranti
Kampus IPB Dramaga Bogor
16680 West Java, Indonesia
DSSLR Welcomes Russian Soil Science Academician
DSSLR Welcomes Russian Soil Science Academician
Professor Ivan Vasenev, a specialist of Agroecological Monitoring and the Head of the Ecology Department of Moscow-based Russian State Agrarian University, has spent his invaluable time to meet and greet lecturers and students of the Department of Soil Science and Land Resources (DSSLR) in 20 October 2023. He presented his research findings on the use of automation in soil science and land management. Fruitful discussion has led to a gentlemen agreement in future collaboration in education and research, which is verily welcomed by the head of the Department, Dyah Panuju, PhD, the head of Soil Chemistry and Fertility Division, Dr. Syaiful Anwar and one of DSSLR peatland specialists, Dr. Wahyu Iskandar. Possible collaboration is also offered by Dr. Elvira of the University of Indonesia.
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