Jl. Meranti
Kampus IPB Dramaga Bogor
16680 West Java, Indonesia
Adam Szӧke, PhD, the Director of Business Strategy for Africa of Rokosan s.r.o., a Slovak agricultural biotech company, delivered a lecture on the utility of animal by-products for self- sufficiency and food security in Indonesia on Friday, 11 October 2024. Rokosan’s liquid organic amino acid fertilizers improve nutrient absorption, plant stress tolerance, and overall productivity and quality.
This public lecture was attended by the company owner and its staff, 6 lecturers from the Department of Soil Science and Land Resources (DSSLR), 6 undergraduate students of study program of Land Resource Management (LRM), 15 Masters students of Soil Science (MSS) and Master Students of Regional Planning (MRP), and 1 Doctoral student of Soil Science.
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