informasi mahasiswa
Mahasiswa Manajemen Sumberdaya Lahan Raih di Gadjah Mada Open International Karate Championship II 2025
Yogyakarta, 20-23 Februari 2025 – Mahasiswa Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) dari Program Studi Manajemen Sumberdaya Lahan angkatan 61 berhasil menorehkan prestasi membanggakan dalam ajang “Gadjah Mada Open International Karate Championship II 2025”. Kompetisi bergengsi ini diselenggarakan di GOR Pancasila, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Yogyakarta, pada tanggal 20 hingga 23 Februari 2025. Para mahasiswa IPB tersebut berhasil membawa pulang sejumlah medali emas, perak, dan perunggu, menunjukkan keunggulan mereka di cabang olahraga karate. Berikut adalah daftar nama mahasiswa beserta perolehan medali mereka: Fathur Zaki Rayyan Dhani Juara 1 Kata Perorangan Mahasiswa Putra (Medali Emas) Zulfatullaeli Juara 1 Kata Perorangan U-21 Putri (Medali Emas) Afina Nadhira Yuvani Putri Juara 2 Kata Perorangan U-21 Putri (Medali Perak) Juara 3 Kata Beregu Universitas Putri (Medali Perunggu) Tania Refalina Juara 1 Kata Perorangan Pemula Mahasiswa Putri (Medali Emas) Amanda Esa Karti Juara 2 Kumite Pemula Mahasiswa -61 KG Putri (Medali Perak) Prestasi ini menjadi bukti bahwa mahasiswa IPB tidak hanya unggul di bidang akademik, tetapi juga mampu bersaing di kancah olahraga internasional. Keberhasilan mereka di ajang ini diharapkan dapat menginspirasi mahasiswa lainnya untuk terus berprestasi dan mengharumkan nama almamater. Selamat kepada para pemenang atas kerja keras dan dedikasinya!
Job Vacancy: Palm Oil Career Expo 2024 (POCE)
I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. IPB JOB FAIR 2024Read more
A New Medal for DSSLR Student
Prof Suria Darma Tarigan of Division of Soil and Water Conservation, DSSLR, served as a mentor for a team consisting of Salsabilla Florensi (DSSLR), Alya Mustira (Department of Plant Protection), and Nattaya Pradnya Paramitha Maheswari (Department of Forest Conservation and Ecotourism) in the Karya Inovasi Sains Nasional (KISN) 2024. Their club, known as Smart Sister Researcher (SSR) and successfully received National’s First Winner, for their paper “AGRILAND : Aplikasi Antisipasi Kelangkaan Air Pada Irigasi Tanaman Pangan Menggunakan Sensor Kadar Air Tanah Remote Sensing dan Geographic Information System (GIS)”. This paper attempts to support dryland agriculture and to contribute to SDGs of zero hunger and food security.
Land Resources Management (LRM) students won silver medal at the Student Creativity Week (PKM), Airlangga University, Surabaya, 14-19 October 2024
A team of undergraduate students comprised of M. Saddham Aberalli (LRM), M. Fariz Azri (LRM), Elya Maulanisa (LRM), Ivan Octavianto (Landscape Architecture), dan Prilly Amelia (Landscape Architecture) won silver medal for their presentation. Additionally, they won bronze medal for their poster. Saddham and his team creates constructive video (PKM-VGK) entitled “CONSURFATION: Integrated Alternating Raised Bed System enriched by Fly Ash Bottom Ash as Ameliorant to Manage Food Estate in Peat Soil” The team is supervised by Ir. Wahyu Purwakusuma, MSc.
General Lecture of Soil Fertilization by a Slovak Biotech Company
Adam Szӧke, PhD, the Director of Business Strategy for Africa of Rokosan s.r.o., a Slovak agricultural biotech company, delivered a lecture on the utility of animal by-products for self- sufficiency and food security in Indonesia on Friday, 11 October 2024. Rokosan’s liquid organic amino acid fertilizers improve nutrient absorption, plant stress tolerance, and overall productivity and quality. This public lecture was attended by the company owner and its staff, 6 lecturers from the Department of Soil Science and Land Resources (DSSLR), 6 undergraduate students of study program of Land Resource Management (LRM), 15 Masters students of Soil Science (MSS) and Master Students of Regional Planning (MRP), and 1 Doctoral student of Soil Science.