Zeoponic Goes to Boyolali
Zeoponic Goes to Boyolali
On October 21, 2024, an activity to introduce zeoponic planting media technology for horticultural plant nurseries was carried out at the Mojosongo Agricultural Counceling Centre Office, Boyolali Regency, Central Java. This is a series of activities for “Dosen Pulang Kampung 2024” proposed by Dr. Suwardi, Dr. Dyah Tjahyandari, Hermanu Widjaja, MSc.Agr, and Putri Oktariani, M.Agr. It was opened by the Head of Mojosongo District, Mr. Sabdo Haryono. This event was also attended by the Head of the Boyolali Regency Agriculture Service, represented by the Head of Extension, Mr. Joko Susanto.
The event began with Dr. Suwardi’s presentation starting from the introduction of raw materials, what are the criteria for ideal planting media, to the results of research that has been carried out. Not only introduced in theory, farmers were also invited to practice making zeoponics. Farmers were taught how to mix ingredients, measure EC and pH, and how to store zeoponics. Attended by around 30 farmers representing the Farmers Group Association (Gapoktan) and Women’s Farmers Group (KWT) in Mojosongo District, this activity received a very good response. “Very useful and interesting. I will try this media (zeoponics) for kates (papaya) seedlings,” said Mr. Wagio, one of the participants. Zeoponics itself is an innovation in planting media made from zeolite, compost, cocopeat and fertilizer developed by Dr. Suwardi and team. The advantage of this media is that it can maintain the EC of the planting media to remain low even though the fertilizer given is quite a lot so that the plant seeds remain fresh because nutrients are available for the plants.