Our People


Physical Land Resources Development

Prof. Dr. Budi Mulyanto

Prof. Dr. Budi Mulyanto

Head of Division

Prof. Dr. Iskandar

Prof. Dr. Iskandar


Prof. Dr. Widiatmaka

Prof. Dr. Widiatmaka


Dr. Suwardi

Dr. Suwardi

Associate Professor

Dr. Darmawan

Dr. Darmawan

Associate Professor

Dr. Dyah T. Suryaningtyas

Dr. Dyah T. Suryaningtyas

Senior Lecturer

Hermanu Widjaja, MSc

Hermanu Widjaja, MSc

Senior Lecturer

Putri Oktariani, M.Agr

Putri Oktariani, M.Agr

Junior Lecturer

Soil Chemistry and Fertility

Dr. Syaiful Anwar

Dr. Syaiful Anwar

Head of Division

Prof. Dr. Arief Hartono

Prof. Dr. Arief Hartono


Dr. Heru Pulunggono

Dr. Heru Pulunggono

Associate Professor

Dr. Untung Sudadi

Dr. Untung Sudadi

Associate Professor

Dr. Lilik Indriyati

Dr. Lilik Indriyati

Associate Professor

Dr. Budi Nugroho

Dr. Budi Nugroho

Senior Lecturer

Dr. (Cand) Desi Nadalia

Dr. (Cand) Desi Nadalia


Soil and Water Conservation

Prof. Dr. Suria Darma Tarigan

Prof. Dr. Suria Darma Tarigan

Head of Division

Dr. Dwi P. Tejo Baskoro

Dr. Dwi P. Tejo Baskoro

Associate Professor

Dr. Ennie Dwi Wahjunie

Dr. Ennie Dwi Wahjunie

Associate Professor

Dr. Yayat Hidayat

Dr. Yayat Hidayat

Associate Professor

Wahyu Purwakusuma, MSc

Wahyu Purwakusuma, MSc

Senior Lecturer

Dr. Sri Malahayati Yusuf

Dr. Sri Malahayati Yusuf


Remote Sensing and Spatial Information

Prof. Dr. Baba Barus

Prof. Dr. Baba Barus

Head of Division

Dr. Muhammad Ardiansyah

Dr. Muhammad Ardiansyah

Senior Lecturer

Dr. Khursatul Munibah

Dr. Khursatul Munibah

Senior Lecturer

Bambang H. Trisasongko, PHD

Bambang H. Trisasongko, PHD


Dr. Wahyu Iskandar

Dr. Wahyu Iskandar

Junior Lecturer

Soil Biotechnology

Prof. Dr. Dwi Andreas Santosa

Prof. Dr. Dwi Andreas Santosa

Head of Division

Dr. Rahayu Widiastuti

Dr. Rahayu Widiastuti

Senior Lecturer

Fahrizal Hazra, MSc

Fahrizal Hazra, MSc

Associate Professor

Indri Hapsari Fitriani, M.Si

Indri Hapsari Fitriani, M.Si


Regional Development Planning

Prof. Dr. Ernan Rustiadi

Prof. Dr. Ernan Rustiadi

Head of Division

Dyah Retno Panuju, PhD

Dyah Retno Panuju, PhD

Associate Professor

Dr. Andrea Emma Pravitasari

Dr. Andrea Emma Pravitasari

Associate Professor

Dr. Setyardi Pratika Mulya

Dr. Setyardi Pratika Mulya


Vely Brian Rosandi, S.T., M.P.W.K

Vely Brian Rosandi, S.T., M.P.W.K

Junior Lecturer

Administrative Staff

John Doe

John Doe

Software Engineer

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John Doe

John Doe

Software Engineer

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John Doe

John Doe

Software Engineer

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John Doe

John Doe

Software Engineer

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John Doe

John Doe

Software Engineer

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John Doe

John Doe

Software Engineer

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John Doe

John Doe

Software Engineer

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John Doe

John Doe

Software Engineer

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John Doe

John Doe

Software Engineer

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