Division of Remote Sensing and Spatial Information

Head of Division : Kepala Divisi : Prof. Dr. Ir. Baba Barus, M.Sc.


The division explores potentials of land from spatial science perspective by exploiting spatial information technologies (remote sensing, geographical information systems and global navigation satellite systems).


Development of geospatial science and technologies, especially remote sensing and spatial information systems and modeling techniques/statistical analysis, and their applications in inventory, analytics and visualization for planning, management and monitoring agriculture and natural resources and the environment.


Geospatial sciences and technologies with the emphasize of remote sensing, including Synthetic Aperture Radar, geographical information systems, geomorphology and terrain analysis, cartography, spatial database, geodesy, satellite navigation systems, modeling and spatial statistics and their applications in:
• Characterization and parameterization of vegetation and land cover/terrain and biophysical analysis from remote sensors for planning, management and monitoring of natural resources and the environment
• Developing techniques in digital image analysis, GIS and spatial statistics
• Advancing geospatial sciences and technologies
• Inventory, mapping and monitoring agricultural fields, natural resources and the environment
• Development of earth sciences and biophysical processes through remote sensing
• Integrating geospatial technologies, navigation systems, biophysical attributes and modeling for planning, management and monitoring natural resources, the environment and smart agriculture

Lecturers:  Prof. Dr. Ir. Baba Barus | Dr. Muhamad Ardiansyah | Dr. Boedi Tjahjono | Dr. Khursatul Munibah | Dr. Bambang H. Trisasongko | Dr. Wahyu Iskandar
Former Members:  Prof. Dr. Uup Sjafei Wiradisastra | Mahmud Arifin Raimadoya, MSc | Dr. Komarsa Gandasasmita | Prof. Dr. Ir. Indayati Lanya
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