Division of Land and Water Conservation

Head of Division : Prof Dr Ir Suria Darma Tarigan


The division studies physical characteristics, processes and their potentials as a supporting system for vegetation and man-made structures. The main emphasize are water circulation in earth surface and its sound exploitation for human purposes and developing technologies to conserve lands from degradation.


Developments of science and technology related to conservation and land utilization according to its capability and suitability to ensure the function and productivity for supporting sustainable livelihood.


Studies and evaluation of basics of land and water management from physical, chemical and biological characteristics, leading to the development of suitable conservation techniques

  1. Identifying soil degradation levels and their coverage

  2. Development of land capability and its utilization for agricultural conservation

  3. Advancement of land and water conservation techniques

  4. Development of rehabilitation techniques in uplands and ex-mining sites

  5. Advancing conservation systems in agriculture for sustainable crop production


Lecturers: Prof. Suria Darma Tarigan | Dr. Dwi P. Tejo Baskoro | Wahyu Purwakusuma MSc | Dr. Ennie Dwi Wahjunie | Dr. Yayat Hidayat | Dr. Sri Malahayati Yusuf
Former Staffs: Prof. Sitanala Arsyad | Dr. Dasun Herujito | Prof. Naik Sinukaban | Prof. Kukuh Murtilaksono | Dr. Latief M. Rachman
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