Jl. Meranti
Kampus IPB Dramaga Bogor
16680 West Java, Indonesia
The Magister of Soil Science (MSS) program is one of the study programs offered by the Department of Soil Science and Land Resources, Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor Agricultural University. This study program established in 1993 through the Rector decree Number 584/DIKTI/Kep/1993. This program has been nationally accredited as “A” by the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education (BAN PT), No. 4956/SK/BAN-PT/Ak-PPJ/M/VII/2022, awarded in 22 July 2022, operational until 26 July 2027.
Title of the Degree Program Master of Science (Translated from the original title: Magister Sains).
Educational Program Vision Becoming a centre of excellence in education, research and community services for soil science and related technologies in improving soil and environmental qualities, ASEAN wide
To deliver education system related to soil science promoting high integrity graduates (responsible, honest, transparent and environmental caring) in study, research and community supports
To accelerate research in science, technologies and methods for resolving issues related to soils
To deliver community services related to dissemination and utilization of soil science and technology
Objective and Learning Outcomes Objectives
To nurture master’s graduates with competencies according to learning outcomes at level 8 of Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia, KKNI)
To develop advanced soil science and technologies through research
To disseminate research outcomes on soil science and related technologies for a broader community
Learning Outcomes
Presence of virtuous, accountable and responsive to support communities
Competent in assessing science and technologies related to soil chemistry, physics and biology through quantitative and spatial-based approaches in land inventory and planning in terms of agricultural productivity and sustainability
being able to adapt and to modify techniques related to agricultural land characterization and inventory, either textual or spatial, prior to communicate the outcomes
Abilities in logical, systematic and creative thinking for design, conceptualization and validation of science and technologies for scientific avenues and societies, either through multi- or inter-disciplinary approach
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